Sunday, April 11, 2010
Family Art Day
This week for my art class, I worked on my plans for my Family Art Morning. For this, I am planning a morning where my art students and their families can come and have a collabrative art making experience. This was an idea from my host teacher. We are trying to create an art garden that is located on the grounds of the school, so while the weather is still cold we are making decorative items to be located around the garden. I am excited to see how this morning goes, but I also know that I am going to have to be open to flexiblity from my previous teaching experiences. I will update and let you all know how it goes!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Last week in my kindergarten art class, we made butterflies. This was a hit! We took two coffee filters and watercolored on them. Really they were just seeing how watercolors flow with water. The colors were so beautiful! After that, we took the two watercolored coffee filters and put them in a doll pin, and tada! we had a butterfly. I think the reason they really enjoyed this project is because they could relate to the object. They have seen butterflies before, and now they have made one! What a great feeling as an art teacher to see such shining faces.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Collages for Kids!
Being creative seems to be the best skill I was given in life! I mean, I use my creativity everyday. This week, I didnt know exactly how I wanted to use this certain lesson plan because it was created for 2-5 grade but it seemed so fun to do with kindergarten students. What I did was took the ideas from the unit and then created my own plan from that. We created collages, but instead of using media captions for the images we used shapes and practiced how they could be used. It was neat to see how a five year old sees shapes. My intention was to have them just overlap and create texture through shapes but some kids made images from shapes. One little boy made a robot from squares, triangles, and circles. Another little girl made a landscape and used triangle to create the sky! I also feel like I used my creativity to just let go and not tell them that I was really looking for an abstract piece, but just to let them do what they saw in their head. Its great to be in the field and learn these things for my self. All in all it was a great week in the kindergarten art world.
Heres a link the website I like to use to get some of my lesson plans from.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Pottery with five year olds!
This week in my art class we are learned how to make pinch pots. This seems like an easy task, but with a group of 20 kindergarten students, this can become quite the task. The main thing for me to remember was to keep the walls thick. What would be worse then coming back to a five year old and tell them their pot did not make it through the firing process? I have yet to see how the pots turned out after the fire, but I am sure they look great. Most of the pots looked great! Some of them were too wet, or thin which I decided to help them out by putting supporting clay on the walls because some students need a little help. All in all this project went great, but their were a few hurdles we had to jump for a successful project.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Grasping Texture
This week in my art class we continued to focus on our texture study. The kids are really starting to understand how there are different textures and they are getting some good vocabulary words out of it, too! Our activity this week was dealing with draw hard with crayons and then crumbling up the paper and applying a thin wash of watered down black paint over the drawing. The cracks absorb the paint and create texture. They turned out really great, and the kids had fun making them! Teaching these kids has been such a great experience and I am really enjoying it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Dealing with different situations as an educator
Holidays are always interesting to celebrate in K-12 schools. Public, private, and charter, they all have their rules and guidelines on what you can and cannot do on these days. More and more we are finding that holidays can be offensive to different types of people. Well as you know, this week we celebrated Valentines day. In my kindergarten class there are two children who's religion keeps them from celebrating such things as birthdays, Christmas, Halloween, and Valentines Day. But, it is fair to the other children to limit the activities they can do although the rest of the school is doing it? The way we compromised this problem is, we did the activities anyways. We felt that as a classroom the majority could join in the activities so it was only fair to keep it available to these children. So, for my lesson this week we made homemade Valentines and the two children who do not celebrate the religion didnt come. The teacher expected this, but the arrangement I had made for these two were to have them make a card that didn't have a connection with Valentines day. As an educator there are going to be many different situations that I am going to have to deal with, and this was a good lesson for me to get first hand experience with one of them.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Then there was flexiblity..
The main topic I dealt with this week in my internship was, flexibility. I created made my lesson plan and emailed it off to my host teacher on Monday. She responded by informing me that the students had a monthly assembly that they had to attend during the time that my art lesson was scheduled for. The problem I deal with every week is time. Im sure this is very relatable to anyone reading this. I only have a set time on Friday mornings to plan to be there. This seems to work very good for the kids because they know when I am going to be in the classroom, and they can look forward to their art lesson at the end of the week. I am interested in finding out how the kids felt about me not coming in last Friday. When I found out that I was not going to my school this week I was kind of bummed out, but I realized that this could be good. My plan for this week is to make the lesson extra good and be very prepared. This week we are making homemade Valentines! I will update you next week on how they turn out.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
And the fun begins...

So, this week I began my student teaching internship at the Guadalupe School in Salt Lake City. I loved every minute of it. I was so nervous the days coming up to the teaching day, but it turned out to be a blast! The lesson I focused on was line. Now, these are kindergarten children I am working with so the lessons are very basic. The project I put together dealt with creating different types of lines using yarn. The students got a review of line from what their classroom teacher had taught them, but I reminded them of the ones they had learned about and also two new ones. The two new ones they learned were "zigzag" and overlapping lines. Some knew "zigzag" but no one knew what overlapping was! They caught on right away. After the review of line, we did our project. They had 4 different strings and were first to practice making different types of lines before glueing the yarn down. Once they had an idea of what they wanted to do for their final piece, I put out plates of glue and they dipped the yarn in to make it stick to their paper. They were supposed to have at least one overlapping line. They ended up loving the overlapping and did several overlaps on their pieces. At the end of the lesson we had a gallery stroll and went around and make one positive comment on each persons piece of art work. All in all, I had such an amazing day working with my new art class. I can tell this is going to be a great semester!

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Finding A Host Program
I am creating this blog to keep track of my journey through my art education studies. For the majority of this semester it will be following a project I am doing for another class, Art Teaching Practicum. For this project we are to go out and find a host teacher or organization in the community and become involved with the program by either developing our own curriculum or assisting in a curriculum that has already been developed. At this point in my project I am contacting people in the community to see where I will be needed. I have contacted the Sorenson Unity Center to try and assist in a photography collaboration, the Guadalupe School to assist with an elementary class, and I have also contacted Youthcity, Artways to assist in afterschool art programs. With this, I will plan on going in for interviews to see if this is honestly something I am interested in helping with and also if they can see me assisting them in the program. I will choose from one and work with them atleast four hours a week, if not more. At the end of the semester, we are to have 48 service hours with this program and will have hopefully gained a better understanding for the program. I am excited about starting this journey and will be updating weekly on my progress.
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