Monday, February 22, 2010

Grasping Texture

This week in my art class we continued to focus on our texture study. The kids are really starting to understand how there are different textures and they are getting some good vocabulary words out of it, too! Our activity this week was dealing with draw hard with crayons and then crumbling up the paper and applying a thin wash of watered down black paint over the drawing. The cracks absorb the paint and create texture. They turned out really great, and the kids had fun making them! Teaching these kids has been such a great experience and I am really enjoying it.

1 comment:

  1. The activity you mentioned reminds me of an art project that I did in school when I was young. Our teacher had us use a colored pencil and a piece of paper to collect rubbings of different textures from surfaces and objects in the classroom (like brick, wood, glass, carpet, etc). I loved my art classes, not just because I learned a lot from them but also because they created a lot of fun memories to look back on in my school experience. It always saddens me when I hear about schools that are cutting their art programs because of budget cuts, or for whatever reason.
    I enjoy your blog; keep doing a great job!
