So, this week I began my student teaching internship at the Guadalupe School in Salt Lake City. I loved every minute of it. I was so nervous the days coming up to the teaching day, but it turned out to be a blast! The lesson I focused on was line. Now, these are kindergarten children I am working with so the lessons are very basic. The project I put together dealt with creating different types of lines using yarn. The students got a review of line from what their classroom teacher had taught them, but I reminded them of the ones they had learned about and also two new ones. The two new ones they learned were "zigzag" and overlapping lines. Some knew "zigzag" but no one knew what overlapping was! They caught on right away. After the review of line, we did our project. They had 4 different strings and were first to practice making different types of lines before glueing the yarn down. Once they had an idea of what they wanted to do for their final piece, I put out plates of glue and they dipped the yarn in to make it stick to their paper. They were supposed to have at least one overlapping line. They ended up loving the overlapping and did several overlaps on their pieces. At the end of the lesson we had a gallery stroll and went around and make one positive comment on each persons piece of art work. All in all, I had such an amazing day working with my new art class. I can tell this is going to be a great semester!

That looks like so much fun!! Cute kids too!! The concept that you look line down to the very basics really made an impression on me because my next post is on line compositions! I am really jealous you get to hang out with these cute kids all semester:)